About Me
Lady Rosemond Prempeh
Lady Rosemond Prempeh is a woman of purpose, compassion and virtue. She has a profound revelation and insight into the word of God. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from University of Ghana, Legon. She is a serial entrepreneur, a renowned author, a Certified Life Coach and a mentor to many. Lady Rosemond is dedicated to mentoring women and empowering them to realize their identity in Christ. Her ultimate goal is to inspire, uplift and encourage women to be their authentic selves, while walking in their God given purpose boldly and unashamed.

Renowned Author of " God's Ultimate Woman" Volume One Weekly Devotional.
Volume 2 — Coming Soon

Lady Rosemond Prempeh is a Multi-Business Owner and Investor in various ventures.

Wife and Mother
Wife of Prophet Akwasi Agyeman Prempeh and mother of three God fearing daughters.